Friday, February 24, 2012


Mr. MJ, 18, and the famous case of asthmatic bronchitis was under my care with >> << 01/04/1989 recurrence of cough and wheezing with 4 years. He went on

17/02/89 from H / o dyspnea after 2 days, which were gradually

increase to that evening when he sudden chest pain (Rt. Side)

further increase in wheezing. Filing complaints were, inspiration, lying on his back, supporting his chest, lying on his stomach >> << pain right side of face, neck and right ear, the slightest movement, swallowing

Strong weakness - in fact it fell in my clinic and had to be

on the examination couch. (. He was actually there for higher secondary exams >> << and do not eat during the last 3 days, partly because of his concern

and partly because of shortness of breath) >> << Pulse:

100 / min. , Regular and good volume

rep. Speed: 28 / min. VP:

110/70 mm Hg. Under System: AP diameter of the transverse diameter

subcutaneous (surgical) emphysema neck and chest due to? break >> << emphysematous bulla easily

02/17/1989 (8. 00)


patient of Bryonia 200, 1 dose, focused on urgent chest X-ray (PA view)

confirmed the clinical diagnosis. He was immediately admitted to the Mumbadevi

Homeopathic Hospital. Because he was unable to swallow and considering its

dehydration, he was put on intravenous (IV) fluids during the first 24 hours. LO

surgeon was informed of a patient and asked to be available for immediate

Tracheostomy, if his condition worsened. Bryonia 200 was extended 2

hour. Bryonia 1000, 2:00. Bryonia patient in 1000 and soon was able to swallow.anabolic diet results Neck movement quickly improved. The patient was almost normal. Discharged. (See

X-ray plates 02/17/89, 02/20/89 and 24/02/89)

He received 2 doses of cake 1000 lasix drug generic -1989 2.20 for fever with chills that

due to forearm vein thrombophlebitis (IV fluids). Hamamelis

ointment was prescribed for local application to inflamed veins that

resolve inflammation in just 6:00. This is a case of bronchial asthma with emphysematous changes in the lungs. >> << Emphysematous bullae are likely to lead to rupture of a complaint. An

Bryonia was obvious as the condition and location (including side >> <<) were similar. It is important to note that in this acute and potentially life-threatening

case, homeopathy has been able to help the patient quickly (in just 1

week) and without surgery. The patient managed with the usual >> << (allopathic) line of treatment should be at least 2-3 weeks to recover >>. This case

<< was first published in the Journal of Indian homeopathic medicine (www. holisticfoundation. Com)

Vol. 26, № 1. In January-March 1991 issue. .

They found that it can be used to &quot;seal&quot;

What is the reason that so many people show signs of calcium deficiency, even though they do everything possible to enrich the daily calcium in the body? Not because insufficient calcium enters the body, but it gets calcium can not be assimilated by the human body. Sosnova pollen calcium chewing tablet new health calcium, anosteoporosis treatment application that can prevent osteoporosis, developed by Harbin Pharmaceutical Group Company --- one of the biggest pharmaceutical company group in China. This calcium treatment of osteoporosis expansion by combining pollen Masson pine and Chinese pine crushed oyster shells deep and other raw materials carefully selected researchers Group. In the olden days, the next dynasty of China, pine pollen was so precious to be suitable for submission as a tribute to the emperor to be available for the royal family and senior officials. Has been stressed at the time only for its aroma and taste. Research has shown that pine pollen later as the food is perfectly balanced diet.impaired immune system It contains a rich amount of protein, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and trace elements. The content of protein and amino acids in the pollen of pine trees more than 5 ~ 7 times higher than in eggs and milk. It should be noted that the number and proportion of amino acids in it approach most closely to the model recommended for maintenance of amino acids in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN, and pine pollen is thus assessed as a "natural treasure condensed food." Frequent use of pine pollen can increase immunity, prevent cardiovascular diseases, prevent osteoporosis (osteoporosis prevention), to resist the aging process and enhance beauty. Given these advantages, pine pollen was honored as the daily needs of all people, men and women, young and old. As for the dust shell oyster, its high efficiency in health care is not a new discovery of osteoporosis Calcium Supplements treatment. Traditional Chinese Medicine, scientists magnify him for many centuries. They found that it can be used to "seal" is not only momentum, but the steps are very weak man. Traditional Chinese Medicine scientists and practices used to diagnose, feeling the pulse of the patient. Crushed oyster shells may be prescribed if the patient's pulse was weak in a certain manner, if the patient was seen walking uncertainly, even though he / she just turned sixty years. The doctor gave a prescription, despite cheap lasix the lack of knowledge of treatment and prevention aboutosteoporosis not knowing that oyster shells contain calcium carbonate, phosphate and calcium sulfate. The question of why calcium in dust oyster shells could be absorbed so well for the patient to "seal his / her up" and make him / her to go back permanently, of course, the edge of imagination and the doctor, in fact, would never have dreamed them. Recent research, however, suggest that calcium, in its various forms chemical compounds with other elements in the shell oysters, should be easier for people to absorb. From the pine pollen is often prescribed for the treatment of anorexia, if the patient was so rich to afford the high prices, we can conclude that now it was certainly considered to be the human digestive tract. Some traditional Chinese doctors believe that pine pollen can promote the deposition of calcium in bone tissue. Otherwise, calcium entering old patient can quickly excreted in urine and bone mass patient could not grow so fast that practitioners talk about the past. It is a well known fact that now the bulk of bone osteoporosis can be reduced from 40 to 50 percent, before symptoms or signs of disease become apparent. Recent studies have shown that the main etiological factor is the long-term lack of calcium as a result of insufficient intake, decreased absorption from the intestine and increasing excretion of urine. Pollen of pine in chewable tablet is used to improve digestion and treatmentto way ofosteoporosis prevent osteoporosis and loss of calcium through renal system. In the past, traditional Chinese medical practice to encourage elderly patients to bring in as much shade, not because they knew that long sedentary state contributes to the loss of calcium from the bones and muscles, but because they have learned from experience and observation that older people should lead an active life for as long as possible. Similarly, they found that pine pollen and dust shell oysters may help older people get rid of what we now call osteoporosis. .

Zometa (zoledronovoyi acid), and production ...

There are two main competitors in the drug Fosamax bisphosphonates in the market. While Fosamax Merck, by far the best selling and most widely proposed osteoporosis drug on the market, Aredia Novartis International AG and Zometa popular alternatives. These two drugs are very similar, but differ in Dosage. Aredia (pamidronat sodium) was first approved by the Administration Food and Drug Administration in 1991 and used to treat hypercalcemia, Paget's disease and some forms of cancer such as multiple myeloma. It works by preventing bone resorption, or process by which some cells break down bone to release minerals that some types of cancer can cause. For nearly 15 years, he was popular for the treatment of several conditions, but by 2005, the popular and medical opinion of a class of drugs bisphosphonates began to change. After installation suggests serious bone complications associated with the first delivered in 2004, Novartis and FDA informed dental health professionals May 18, 2005 about a possible link between Aredia and necrosis of the jaw (ONJ). Warning informed dentists that patients undergoing Aredia treatment should avoid invasive dental procedures and that they should be aware of the primary symptoms of ONJ. According to reports collected by officers of Novartis, 875 developed ONJ between December 2002 and 2005. Most of these patients receiving chemotherapy and steroid treatment, two conditions that may involve the development of ONJ. Unfortunately, Aredia can increase the number of complications that can arise even from simple procedures, including free teeth, gums swollen, or tissues of the mouth, just do not heal. Zometa (zoledronovoyi acid) and of Novartis, is believed to be 100 times more powerful than Aredia. Doctors prescribe it in smaller doses for a short period of time, and it has been successful in treating hypercalcemia, Paget's disease and multiple myeloma. Unfortunately, it is more dangerous than Aredia, because it is more powerful. FDA and Novartis have warned dentists and other oral health professionals about a possible link between Zometa and jaw necrosis.anabolic bible Unfortunately, 875 people have been injured between 2002 and 2005, some of them suffer terrible injuries that required removal of part or all of the jaw. Zometa was first introduced to the market in 2001 and quickly earned more than $ 1 billion in sales. Bisphosphonates and complex drugs, and as such can cause a number of side effects. Some of the most common side effects include gastrointestinal disorders, esophageal erosions, electrolyte disturbances, as well as hip fractures. In addition, patients suffering from chronic renal failure release the drug more slowly than others, so doctors should exercise particular caution when prescribing bisphosphonates. If you or someone you know has taken bisphosphonates drug that causes adverse side effects, you should contact a lasix 40 meq lawyer immediately. You may be entitled to monetary compensation for injuries, but if you wait too long, you may lose your right to a remedy. Contact a dedicated and experienced defective drug lawyer and get started on the path to justice today. .

Autoimmune disorders fall into two main ...

What is the immune system? The immune system is a means of body defense against "foreign" substances such as bacteria and viruses. It consists of two main parts. One component includes production, proteins that recognize "foreign" substances and cause them to be removed from the body. Another component involves specialized blood cells called T lymphocytes that can attack and kill a "foreign" substances directly. Antibodies and T-lymphocytes become protective only after they are lasix 40 mg daily "foreign" substance for the first time. This is the reason that we use

: that our immune system is weakened to admit or inactivated forms, and it can cause disease, so we will be protected if we actually come in contact with them. What are autoimmune diseases? Usually the immune system recognizes the tissue in the body that are not "foreign" and attack them.

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Autoimmune disorders are diseases caused by the body produces an immune response against its own tissues. The cause of autoimmune diseases is unknown, but it seems that there is a genetic predisposition to the development of autoimmune diseases in many cases (such as they are passed from generation to families). In some types of autoimmune diseases (eg rheumatic fever), bacteria or viruses with the immune response and antibodies or T cells attack healthy cells because they are part of their structure that resembles the infection of the embryo. Autoimmune disorders fall into two basic types: those that damage many organs ("systemic") and those with only one >> << or tissue directly affected by the autoimmune process ("localized"). Some of the most common types of autoimmune diseases include:

In some cases, a person can have more than one autoimmune disease, for example, people with Addison's disease often diabetes mellitus type 1, while people with sclerosing cholangitis often or ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. In some cases, antibodies can not be directed at a specific organ or tissue, such as antiphospholipid antibodies can react with clotting proteins in bloood, which leads to the formation of clots in blood vessels (thrombosis). .

Exercise and the role of physiotherapist ...

Increased exercise - physical activity throughout life helps develop and maintain strong bones and reduce bone loss. Persons 35 years and older should consult their doctor before starting exercise programs. Your doctor can give direction to the physiotherapist. Before you exercise, consult a physical therapist about the best types of exercise. Full program of exercises to include osteoporosis bearing, resistance, postural balance and exercise. It is important to consult a doctor or physical therapist before beginning any exercise program. Weight bearing exercises use body weight to work against gravity and is recommended for all ages. Your bones respond to this force is stronger. Walking, running, dancing, hiking, climbing stairs and aerobic exercise are examples of weight-bearing exercise. The goal is to work up to 45 or more minutes per session. Perform these exercises at least 3 to 5 times a week. (Biking and swimming, but good exercise, exercises no encumbrances). Resistance exercises generate muscle tension on the bones and is recommended for all, after 14 years of age. Resistance exercise strengthens the muscles and stimulates the bone stronger. Free weights, exercise machines and resistance groups are examples of such exercises. Start the exercise without weights. Start with 1 set of 8 to 10 repetitions of each exercise gradually increasing to 3 units. When this becomes easy, add 1 pound of weight at once. These exercises should be 2 to 3 times a week but not on consecutive days. Postural exercises reduce harmful stress on your back. Doing these exercises can reduce the risk of fractures of the spine and rounded shoulders commonly seen with lasix for congestive heart failure osteoporosis. These exercises should be performed throughout the day to reinforce good posture. Balance exercises help maintain balance and reduce the risk of falling.immune system allergies These exercises should be performed daily. Illustrated Cecil Bull, of osteoporosis, exercise leadership Margie Bissinger, MS, PT. If you have osteoporosis,

talk to your doctor before taking a high impact activity like running or aerobics high returns. These exercises will shake the spine and can increase the risk of fractures of the spine. Exercises and role Physiotherapist Physiotherapist can develop a program of exercises that are safe and appropriate for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Physiotherapists are taught to learn the correct way to perform daily activities to reduce the risk of fractures. Talk to your doctor about treatment with physiotherapist. Many people with osteoporosis will postural changes, muscle and soft tissue density, which requires practical treatment physiotherapist. .

Quantitative analysis based on density ...

Asthma in asthma, lung X-ray, often completely normal. There are no concrete results of radiological and object radiography partially exclude other causes of shortness of breath, such as

swelling or trachea, and partly to identify complications such as pneumothorax or atelectasis caused by mucous plugs. Chronic bronchitis, like asthma, chronic bronchitis, defined on the basis of clinical picture. Half of patients with chronic bronchitis with normal X-ray, as well as changes that occur due to secondary conditions such as pneumonia or. Striped or colored cloud may be associated with scars after past infections, possibly in combination with liquid filled bronchiectatic cavity. Bronhografiya shows irregularities in the walls and extended openings of mucous glands, and the tree

has fewer branches and rough than usual. Unlike asthma and chronic bronchitis,

defined in strict morphological terms as a condition characterized by abnormal lung continued expansion of air spaces distal bronchioles, accompanied by destruction of their walls without obvious. The definition does not include any functional impairment or respiratory tract. Thus, incorrect function tests respiratory tract or

not always present in. a general framework with multiple causes and effects. Images features correlate well with microscopy of serial sections, at least with different functional parameters. can be pan-atsynarnyh with all acinuses, or it can be localized only in the central, or only in the peripheral part acinuses (tsentrodolevaya and paraseptal >> <<). Table 3. Classification of diagnosis of chest film (Fig. 42) based on:

1. Signs of hyperinflation (apartments, increased space sternum, bull, big chest cage), and

2. criteria (decreased peripheral vascular vasoconstriction midline, local avaskulyarnyy areas, large >> << overall diagnostic accuracy of 65-80% depending on the clinical material studied. false negative rates are significant. >> << , increases with increasing severity in the studied population. relatively well with few false positives. This is a result of >> << to misinterpretation of normal blood flow changes, breach

cell asymmetry

soft tissue (mastectomy, muscle atrophy) or overexposed radiographs,

emphysematous conditions may be associated with respiratory tract (air capture) such as chronic bronchitis, foreign bodies (Fig. 43) or

part. without going to the destruction of lung tissue (eg tsentrodolevaya) or compensation, when, for example, the share of light expands into space in the chest cavity after lobectomy. Hyperinflation, the best period for expansion airspace without tissue destruction. As at third of patients with extensive, aerated thin cavities or bullae appear. They can range from less than one to several centimeters in diameter, and sometimes increase to such an extent that one or several bullae can occupy most of the chest cavity and compress the other, healthy tissues of the lungs (Fig. 44). cause of unilateral (in MacLeod syndrome) is not known. He suggested that the condition is caused by an infectious condition in childhood, with the assistance of small bronchi and bronchioles, causing

and expansion of peripheral airspace. by light has small, and both arteries and

tree branches less than usual. light more than enlightenment opposite light and keeps its volume during exhalation. Another reason is the one-sided unilateral lung transplantation treatment. remaining emphysematous lung will push << transplanted >> to the lungs. C unit bronchus in the neonatal period,

partial it may happen that only includes a share. important not to confuse this type of compensation from

through atelectatis adjacent lobe of the lung. Computer 'Computer Tomography (particularly high) was very helpful in diagnosis. classification

Quantitative analysis, or

Quantitative analysis based on density measurements with different density of points or indexes. In visual grading, the emphasis on not peripheral, unmarginated areas with low attenuation. surpasses traditional X-ray detection, classification and characteristics >> << and between observer agreement and better. useful in identifying bulls and in assessing the indications for bullectomy. bronchi in healthy individuals, tree

has smooth walls and gauge the branches gradually decreases to the periphery. In bronchiectasis, irreversible enlargement

fields occurs. This may be due to >> << or acquired weakness of the wall due to infection with the reduction and pulling on the wall, or chronic. There is often a combination of reasons. cylindrical bronchiectasis is present when a branch

maintains its caliber without peripheral narrowing. Other types include

- bronchiectasis, which has the appearance simulates bunches of grapes, or there may be several consecutive tensions Branch

(Fig. 45). Standard radiographs may be normal. In some people, expanded area shown as round opacity (Fig. 46). When they contain some dependent fluid diagnosis easier, as the liquid becomes a crescent shape with a concave top. When dilated bronchi filled with fluid or pus, they appear as elongated cloud, often in proportion to the decrease of volume. Bronhografiya was more common exam when bronchiectasis is suspected, and determine the degree of illness for possible lobectomy. High >> << ; can demonstrate bronchiectasis (Fig. 47), and the need for Bronhografiya therefore reduced. atelectasis is a term used to describe the volume is reduced, collapsed nonaerated lung tissue. atelectasis is a condition that can be

or acquired and atelectatic area may be limited to a small portion of the segment or can be a collapse of the whole to be here or lungs. atelectasis can be caused from bronchial or external compression of lung tissue. Table 4. Causes of Table 5. Table 6. radiological fin ringing with the collapse of equity or In the presence of segmental collapse in the upper lobes, lateral films will be shown to the rear limit of collapsed particles clearly. In front of the picture, head >> << path will be destroyed (Fig. 48). On the left hand margin of >> << will be destroyed because ligulate lobe of the left upper lobe. side path collapsed upper lobe of right lung is usually different, because the beam

tangent to the top border of displaced middle lobe. lateral border

collapsed left upper lobe is usually unclear, and the opacity is very gradual transition to normal aerated tissue in the hyperinflated left lower lobe. collapsed lower lobes tend to have a clear line in the frontal film. collapsed left lobe may be hidden behind the heart shadow furosemide lasix and just watched the retrocardiac triangular opacity on well into movies. in the side, the lower lobes collapsed not have a clear front border, but they will be identified as the column

which appears gradually darker towards, for it seems easier because of the nearby collapsed particles (Fig. 49 b + 50 + b). dome >> << deleted where there is no normal aerated lung tissue adjacent (Fig. 48). atelectatic middle blade clearly visible in side narrow triangular transparency film on goal. In front film, the right contour of the heart removed. Fast-average share

, atelectasis with adequate physiotherapy is important because re-expansion can be difficult. Inadequate re-expansion can lead to secondary particle. in full collapse, the volume of the lower part can be so small that it can be difficult to recognize. There will be a significant compensatory hyperinflation of the upper lobe, which may be incorrectly interpreted as a unilateral emphysematous lungs. Thorough examination usually shows the region destroyed diaphragmatic contour, and folded portion can be easily demonstrated. Inadequate re-expansion of lung tissue after pneumonia or embolism of bleeding can lead to stable linear opacities, which are often found in the lungs, 3-5 cm long strips, and represent a plate atelectasis. the presence of liquid , the language of the lung tissue, which normally projects at the rear edge-diaphragmatic angle can swim up and take on light. coupling can occur between the parts and make the back of the lungs. When liquid is absorbed, composed of, can not re-expand because of adhesions. Then it is as a round opacity in the back and one of the lower zone to reach the edge-diaphragmatic angle. This type of transparency has a distinctive appearance and is called round atelectasis. Alf Kolbenstvedt, Arnulf Skjennald and Charles B. Higgins.

Diabetes: a disease in which the body does ...

Secondary osteoporosis causes certain diseases or treatments that prevent the achievement of peak bone mass and may lead to bone loss. In secondary osteoporosis, increase the speed of bone and increase bone be repaired leads to a general increase in rate of bone loss.immune system organs and functions Osteoporosis may also be the result of disorders in which bone marrow cavity expands at the expense of spongy bone. If cancellous bone depends on raising the cavity of the bone marrow, it loses some of its strength. Cushing's Disease (pituitary tumor responsible for release lasix 100mg some hormones of the body)

Diabetes: a disease in which the body does not produce or use insulin properly (resulting from hyperglycemia: - increase in blood sugar, increased susceptibility to infections and glycosuria -. glucose in urine)

Treatment of secondary osteoporosis is more complex than the treatment of primary osteoporosis, and depends on the underlying disease. In secondary osteoporosis, treatment may include treating the root causes of disease. Some of the methods used to treat osteoporosis and the methods used to prevent it from evolving. .

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Providing Clinical Nutrition, programs and services

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