Friday, February 24, 2012


Mr. MJ, 18, and the famous case of asthmatic bronchitis was under my care with >> << 01/04/1989 recurrence of cough and wheezing with 4 years. He went on

17/02/89 from H / o dyspnea after 2 days, which were gradually

increase to that evening when he sudden chest pain (Rt. Side)

further increase in wheezing. Filing complaints were, inspiration, lying on his back, supporting his chest, lying on his stomach >> << pain right side of face, neck and right ear, the slightest movement, swallowing

Strong weakness - in fact it fell in my clinic and had to be

on the examination couch. (. He was actually there for higher secondary exams >> << and do not eat during the last 3 days, partly because of his concern

and partly because of shortness of breath) >> << Pulse:

100 / min. , Regular and good volume

rep. Speed: 28 / min. VP:

110/70 mm Hg. Under System: AP diameter of the transverse diameter

subcutaneous (surgical) emphysema neck and chest due to? break >> << emphysematous bulla easily

02/17/1989 (8. 00)


patient of Bryonia 200, 1 dose, focused on urgent chest X-ray (PA view)

confirmed the clinical diagnosis. He was immediately admitted to the Mumbadevi

Homeopathic Hospital. Because he was unable to swallow and considering its

dehydration, he was put on intravenous (IV) fluids during the first 24 hours. LO

surgeon was informed of a patient and asked to be available for immediate

Tracheostomy, if his condition worsened. Bryonia 200 was extended 2

hour. Bryonia 1000, 2:00. Bryonia patient in 1000 and soon was able to swallow.anabolic diet results Neck movement quickly improved. The patient was almost normal. Discharged. (See

X-ray plates 02/17/89, 02/20/89 and 24/02/89)

He received 2 doses of cake 1000 lasix drug generic -1989 2.20 for fever with chills that

due to forearm vein thrombophlebitis (IV fluids). Hamamelis

ointment was prescribed for local application to inflamed veins that

resolve inflammation in just 6:00. This is a case of bronchial asthma with emphysematous changes in the lungs. >> << Emphysematous bullae are likely to lead to rupture of a complaint. An

Bryonia was obvious as the condition and location (including side >> <<) were similar. It is important to note that in this acute and potentially life-threatening

case, homeopathy has been able to help the patient quickly (in just 1

week) and without surgery. The patient managed with the usual >> << (allopathic) line of treatment should be at least 2-3 weeks to recover >>. This case

<< was first published in the Journal of Indian homeopathic medicine (www. holisticfoundation. Com)

Vol. 26, № 1. In January-March 1991 issue. .

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